- 色彩分析校正應用
- Portrait (CalMAN)
- 專業色彩分析軟體
Client3 PC Single License電腦顯示器色彩校正軟體
♦ 本軟體搭配Calman可作為圖像產生器, 及透過ICC色彩管理校正電腦顯示裝置, 確保播放內容的色彩準確性
♦ 測試過程中, Calman透過IP與Client3溝通確認調校參數
♦ 支援Calman版本: Ultimate / Video Pro / Studio
♦ 依各別電腦購買軟體授權
♦ 適用於電腦作業系統MacOS:10.13 / Win7 或以上
產品詳細介紹Product Introduction
Who Does Client3 Serve?
Client3 serves Calman users who need to calibrate a computer display, but have exceeded the number of Client3 licenses already included in their Calman purchase. Please note that every computer you are looking to calibrate needs a unique Client3 license installed, though the number of monitors connected to each individual computer may be unlimited.
How Does Client3 Help Me?
Calibrating your computer’s display ensures color accuracy for both graphic arts and video playback. Your Calman software will communicate with Client3 via IP in order to administer computer calibration profiles both during and after the calibration process. Client3 can also operate as a pattern generator for a Windows environment.
To use Client3, the software is installed on the computer you wish to calibrate, which may be the computer running Calman or a separate device.
At least one (1) Client3 license is included with all professional versions of Calman (Ultimate, Video Pro, Studio). This product is intended to be used as a supplemental license and must be applied onto an existing professional version of Calman. Calman Home products do not include a Client3 license.
System Requirements
- Calman® Video Pro, Studio, or Ultimate
- macOS 10.13, High Sierra, with latest operating system updates installed. macOS 10.14, Mojave, is currently not supported.
- Windows 7® or later with latest operating system updates installed